We can quickly Airdrop large quantities of PPE into the UK
18th April 2020 Peace 2000 wrote to the UK Health Secretary offering assistance to rapidly fly PPE supplies into the UK:
Dear Secretary of State,
Your statement in the news has been brought to our attention:
“I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have PPE fall from the sky in large quantities.”
We can make your wish come true and airdrop large quantities of PPE equipment into the UK in the coming days and weeks.
Starting Monday, we can deliver you hundreds of thousands of protective masks already landed in the EU and currently on trucks heading for the UK. We can then continue with several flights a week from China to London Heathrow to bring you the millions of items urgently needed for British Health Workers.
Please give us a call to work out the details.
For further information please visit www.personprotect.com or www.faceprotect.com for a video from our recent flights with PPE equipment into the EU. We have access to a fleet of aircrafts available to fly supplies quickly to those who need it. In addition to the flight service, we have coordinated with several associates and suppliers to assist quickly in sourcing EU certified PPE products from manufacturers.
Our organization and myself have been engaged with humanitarian airlifts since 1995 and are well connected to the aviation industry.